Monday, April 7, 2008

original contempory art

feather your nest

(12" x 72") Another fun piece themed around an old expression. Colours used are lime green, red, brown, dark purple, gold, a small amount of gold leaf also. Second photo shows how it sits in size above a queen sized bed although I have it hanging above a very large couch at the moment. The writing are the words 'feather your nest' repeated. It is one of my paintings which instantly gets a "wow" response.

Humble Me

(30" x 30") This painting, is inspired by the Nora Jones song 'Humble Me' and is a follow on from 'you humble me Lord' below. It has the words 'you humble me Lord' repeated throughout. Colours used are red, deep purple, light browns, dark brown, various shades of green. A very rich and striking painting.

you humble me Lord

(12" x 48") Inspired by the Nora Jones song 'Humble Me'. The words 'you humble me Lord' are repeated over and over. A very rich and striking painting. Colours used are red, deep purple, pale browns and dark brown. A lot of different textures in this painting and one of my favourites.

an Englishman's home is his castle (II)

(12" x 48") Winner of best abstract painting in the Virginia Mary Rotary Art Show in Paraparaumu, October 2007. This is a the second of two paintings in this style. The first had even more rudimentary houses in the background. The houses in this one came out a little more tighter in formation. A great deal of work has gone into this but I have tried as best to keep it light hearted and not overwork it. I wanted a whimsical, unpretentious painting and am very pleased with the outcome. Colours used are white, green, yellow, burnt orange, light and dark purple.


(7 pieces - each square represents 4" x 4") Fun to be had with this piece. You can exhibit them on the wall in whatever way you feel suits the space. There are some Command 3M adhesives that stick these to the wall with a strong velcro. The velcro can be removed without damaging the wall (according to the manufacturer). Anyway, a really cool 3-d effect and I have found that guys seem to really like this one. In this picture they are sitting against a very dark blue/grey background.

crossing storm

(31" x 39") Not very often do I paint in blues but every time I look at this painting I wonder why not. The colours change a lot depending on how much light is in the room. I prefer it in a darker spot as it makes the colours more darker and moodier. The colours used are blues, greens, red, orange, white and silver (the O's inside the X's are silver leaf). There is a lot of great texturing going on here and the second picture is a close-up of some of it. I enjoy walking past this painting as the light bounces of the surface and moves as you walk past it - such an amazing painting.